The ESA has developed guidelines and position statements on certain clinical issues at the request of members and also where there may be some controversy or uncertainty. These guidelines and statements reflect the consensus opinion of ESA committee members following review of available evidence. To the best of our knowledge these are accurate at the time of publication but will be reviewed as the evidence or interpretation of evidence changes. In applying these guidelines and statements to clinical practice, physicians must consider the currently available evidence and the individual patient circumstances.
- Suicidality and AEDs
- Generic AEDs
- AEDs and Bone Health
- HLA testing for SJS
- Valproate and Women – September 2020
- Valproate and Women checklist – Example
- Epilepsy and childbearing – September 2020
- VEEG Guidelines – November 2013
- ESA Social Media Policy – June 2021
- Expert advice for prescribing cannabis medicines for patients with epilepsy—drawn from the Australian clinical experience
- Continuous Electroencephalography Monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit
- ESA Statement on the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) - Clonazepam Supply Shortage
- Valproate Use In Men And Offspring Risk: A Statement For Health Professionals By The Epilepsy Society Of Australia