Centre for Neuroscience, Flinders University

Group website: http://www.flinders.edu.au/neuroscience/lab_brainsignals.html

  • Non-linear analysis of EEG: Utilising principles of chaos-theory to provide a distinct and robust method of analysing EEG, and investigating the possibility that these analyses may reveal abnormalities in EEG activity preceding epileptic convulsions.
  • Human EEG analysis: Determining whether patients with a variety of neurological disorders exhibit disturbances of gamma EEG rhythms.
  • Physiology of Meditation: Physiological correlates of meditation, including the extent to which awareness of external stimuli is altered as a result of the meditative states, and the extent to which meditative states are associated with altered ability to maintain concentration on mental tasks.
  • Cell swelling participating in epileptogenesis: Investigating the possibility that accelerated increases in cell size is a critical step related to the immediate causation of seizure.
  • Ions participating in epileptogenesis: Recordings with ion-sensitive microelectrodes showed that episodes of spreading depression of Leao frequently follow epileptic discharges in all three epilepsy models, demonstrating a pathophysiological association between epilepsy and spreading depression.

Postal Address:
Prof John O Willoughby
Centre for Neuroscience
c/- Dept of Anatomy & Histology
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100
South Australia 5001

Email: john.willoughby@flinders.edu.au
Phone: 61 8 8204 6125
Fax: 61 8 8204 5931


For full details, visit the group website.