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Online Resources

General References

 Published byOther information
About Epilepsy by RCHRoyal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 
ANSAAssociation of Neurophysiology Scientists of Australia Inc 
Brain AtlasHarvard 
PubMedNational Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (USA) 
Epilepsy DiagnosisInternational League Against Epilepsy 
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Febrile ConvulsionsRoyal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Afebrile ConvulsionsRoyal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne 
ILAEInternational League Against Epilepsy 
Immunisation ScheduleAustralian Government, Department of Health and AgeingPDF [157KB]

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Epilepsy Management

 Published byOther information

Epilepsy Management Plan – for 1 seizure type

Epilepsy Management Plan- for up to 5 seizure types

Epilepsy Foundation

Epilepsy Foundation

PDF [48KB]


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Government and Legislation

 Published byOther information
Special Access Scheme (SAS) formsAustralian Government, Department of Health and Ageing, Therapeutic Goods Administration